Featured artist: Rosco P. - A session with Rosco P.
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Rosco P..
How did you decide to become an artist?
Rosco P.: I actually didn’t start off rapping. I wasn’t exactly comfortable with idea of having the spotlight fall directly upon myself so I took a great liking to the producing aspect of hip hop. I’d make a beat and write a verse to it just so I could shop the beat around to potential customers and also give them a concept to discuss over the track. Finally my friends caught wind of what I was doing and the were impressed and they told me to go for it. I was slightly skeptical at first about it, I wasn’t sure how people would receive me. But I dove in head first and things have been great.
The best advice I’ve been given was ”have faith, have focus, and finish it”. I try to live by that everyday.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
Yes, I’ve done a few live shows and it’s absolutely amazing. The best part is being on stage and watching everyone vibe to what you’ve created. The energy is powerful, it ’said feeling everyone should experience at least once.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
”My flows cold and hella dope and in need of some ears/ I speak for the souls that are broken and are in need of repairs/ The tops got some spots open, who’s meeting me there?/ I’ll be there with a brew putting weed in the air/”
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
Currently I’m working on two project simultaneously. I finishing up my debut project entitled ”Project ME (M.ental E.mancipation)”, this project’s purpose is to introduce myself to the public and also to introduce the public to a different level of thought. My second project is titled ”Kickin it with cousin Casey”. This project will pay homage to a few songs already done by mainstream artists with a twist. It’ll be a ”tree-mix” dedicated to all my 420 participants.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
I’d sign to a major label if the offer ever presented itself. The pros of signing to a major label would be the ability to move around from place to place to get certain features from specific artist, and there’s also the financing aspect of it that’s provided by the label. Some cons would be that of course the money lent would have to be repaid of course and you would necessarily receive all the money due for your creativity. There’s also sometimes the issue of having to be molded into an image that you don’t necessarily support.
Any last words?
First off s/o my homie Myke Walk, he’s the other half of the Zoo Crew, also Team Sway, Lakaz of the Chemist, and also Studio 707. I appreciate all the good quality work they’ve done for me over the years.
Where can we contact you?
Rosco P.: https:// www.reverbnation.com/Zoocrewofficial
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
Rap's new generation is a long time urban lifestyle and entertainment blog dedicated the underground rap music field.
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