Featured artist: Tuggy Da Trend - Hello World Its TDT
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Tuggy Da Trend.
How did you decide to become an artist?
Tuggy Da Trend: Well my hole family was involved in music one way or another but really, my dad he used to play the guitar and write his own music. but wen i got alil older i found myself doing the same and it was natural. I jus love the feeling of where music can take you and makes you feel. I feel you can put alot into music with feelings, but most of all the feeling of creating somthing that the world can relate to.
Just being myself stay dedicated and motivated for succes.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
yes i play live and i do concerts, I love to rock out on stage.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
You Might not remember the face But you gonna remember the Name!
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I just finished my newest mixtape dropping this spring called (FienTape) and I am now working on my 1st Album wich will drop mid summer 2014 called (Evolution. I have alot of mixtapes out right now. I also have oversea’s tracks with international artists.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Yes I would Sign, The pro’s get the job done and the con’s are looking for some quick cash… watch your self!
Any last words?
I wanna Give a shoutout to my WWTG family, My Manager/Agent Maggie Blake, My Promoter Will Gnage, Jeff Green , Jacob Popperwell , Nikki Black, Pablo Man, MoneyMann, Destiny Rydas, Js, Henny Whyte, Blak Magic, All my supporters, friends and family who stuck with me through this journey, My dj’s Dj Trensetta, Dj Flawless . I wanna give a shoutout to my City of Lorain, Ohio Who I Rep to the Fullest. But Most important I wanna Say Thank You to god for giving me the energy and power to succeed and stay motivated to reach my dreams.
Where can we contact you?
Tuggy Da Trend: https://soundcloud.com/tuggydatrend-babe
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
This interview was done by Amanda Aselia, a long time blogger and entertainment journalist specialized in the underground hip hop music field.
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