Featured artist: Mac Flair - Hello. This Is Your Captain Speaking.
Always stay true to yourself and stay level-headed.
Upcoming underground artist Mac Flair just answered some questions. Checkout the interview below and share if you like it.
Thanks for your time. How did you decide to become an artist?
Mac Flair: I would say either freshman or sophomore year in high school I started writing raps, just messing, around nothing too serious, just hanging out with the homies spitting a few rhymes. Between senior year of high school and freshman year of college is when I started getting serious and got my first mic and started putting songs out like crazy with the group I was in. It was called B.Y.E. aka Beginning Your End with King Moses and Toxic. It was also around the time when my father passed and it was a channel for me to express my emotions. Not saying they were the best quality but that’s when I definitely showed an interest for the art form.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
I have received a couple opportunities to perform live at small gigs and they were AWESOME by far the best experience I’ve had as an artist. And I would definitely love to perform more. I just love the energy and living off that energy days after a show.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
I think I have a lot of good punchlines, but if I had to pick one it would be ”I always stay 100 bitch I been frank.” Just a little wordplay.
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I’m currently working on my 5th solo mix tape name ”Just B’Cuz” which is dropping on 4/20. And the group I’m in is called Taking Flight. We plan on coming out with a compilation tape. Some of the past tapes I’ve worked on are We Enjoy Everything Delightful with the pilot T-Flow, Taking Flight tape, Sesh Decks and Tech Decks, Star Wishing, and Something in the Clouds.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
It honestly depends because one of my biggest musical influences is Weezy and seeing his Young Money team and how he built a team up is awesome. Also seeing another of my musical influences Wiz Khalifa and how big he became famous by staying indie and having complete control over his type of music. If all circumstances are correct then I would sign with a major and that’s a big IF. Pros about being signed to a major label are obvious you have a much bigger platform to network to and you get your art heard by the masses. Cons would be you don’t have complete creative control with your art and you’re basically a dollar sign for a major label.
Shoutouts and credits to the fam?
First off shout out to my mom, great-grandmother, and all my family. Shout out to the Taking Flight squad T-Flow, Young Profit, Walee, Black Magic, and Big Al Sesh. Shout out to my brothers (not blood brothers) Tony T, X, MoMo, J Lat, Scott, Troy, Willard, honestly there is way more but I don’t feel like missing out anybody so shout out to____________. Shouts out to Sam. Shout out to all the Pilots and anybody who listens to the kid.
So how can we contact you?
Mac Flair: https://twitter.com/Dmac628
Thank's for your answers, keep grindin'.
Amanda Aselia, the author of this interview, is a long time blogger and entertainment journalist with a strong expertise in the underground hip hop music scene.
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