Featured artist: Savage YB - That FNF on the way!!
As part of our ongoing "Rap's New Generation" series, today we sat down with the upcoming underground artist Savage YB from Lancaster to talk about his recent music, his upcoming projects, his career advice and his overall experiences being in the music industry and he did not disappoint...
Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, Savage YB! Let's go back to the beginning of your career. How did you decide to become an artist?
Savage YB: People kept telling me to take my craft seriously and I did and it's something I love doing.
Do what makes you happy and what you think is cool not for someone else's opinion. Believe in yourself!!
What about concerts? Do you play live?
Yes I've actually had 2 performances since I first started taking it serious. It's very humbling and motivational I love it!!
Best punchline you ever wrote?
You flex and get checked
We flex and get checks 💪🏾
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I am in the process of finishing up my first body of work called (FNF) Family no Friends which will come in volumes. My most recent single dropped on the 23rd of December "Go slow" available on Spotify and Apple Music.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
I would sign a record deal only in certain circumstances. Would def like to work with the labels I just don't want to be foolish Nd naive
Any last words?
Shout out 717 lanc city
Shout out my guy Ftw rob on the production
And shout out everyone I consider family cuz it's FNF
Love ya
Where can people follow you to stay up-to-date?
Savage YB: https://soundcloud.com/kevin-williams-384117194/savage-yb-ft-j-ice-duracell
Thank you for your time. We wish you much success in your further career.
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