Featured artist: Richey J - The Diamond Rapper
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Richey J.
How did you decide to become an artist?
Richey J: I always had a fun time reading through the dictionary finding words that rhymed and I have always had a fast mouth and a good ear for music. I Started rapping in September of 2013 at The Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy no thats not a typo thats how its spelled anyways a group of my fellow cadets noticed how I wrote and often spoken in rhyme sometimes without notice and they pushed me and I found I enjoyed it so I continued I only wish I had money for beats or to make my own. One day I will
The best advice was that my adhd could be used as a tool to help me succeed and someone else said to let the rap write itself which I have summed up to Write what you feel you should.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
I would if I had music I cant really freestyle like some of these other rappers which apparently means I suck but tell me did you do a seven rap suicide? No ok then. Thats all I hear is "freestyle for me" No I dont like to never have. I have preform for 26 other people and my cousin 26 people just wanted me to rap in the barracks (military housing) where we stayed and as for my cousin that was in my home town in West Virginia the base I was on with 250 other cadets was on the otherside of West Virginia. So thats 27 people who actually wanted to hear me preform then theres Instagram where I started going public with it first in writing then in videos and now currently when I am doing this 435 people follow me only 50 of them do anything on my feed which makes me wonder but the raps get a lot of likes and comments follow me @richeyj97 <– on Instagram
Best punchline you ever wrote?
Richey J here saying keep it real Diamond Crew
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
Currently I am writing the fun album it kinda tells my life story and how after all my pain and hell I went through that I still want to have fun. If you want to hear my raps that i did a while back they are on Instagram.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Yes I would for the resources that would be available to make music with because right now i have a smart phone youtube and a mic that i bought for 11 dollars. A con would be some of the restrictions because I write what i feel and if i feel i cant get out how i feel or how a situation should feel then I would shy away from signing up. I think people would love to hear what I have to say about our world for the simple fact that I aint gonna sugar coat it
Any last words?
I would like to shout out Ceredo West Virginia. Let me guess where is that oh past Huntington West Virginia right beside Kenova West Virginia they are divided 1 rail road track so about 10 feet or less between Ceredo and Kenova. Kenova is actually the boardering city to Catlettsburg Kentucky
Where can we contact you?
Richey J: https://m.soundcloud.com/richard-kelley-jr
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
This interview opportunity has been provided by RapBeats.net, the digital marketplace for urban production music .
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