Featured artist: JYT - Newcastle Can Rap!!
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist JYT.
How did you decide to become an artist?
JYT: Tupac, in one word. Well Ghetto Gospel really. The first time i heard that song i was like wow, i mean i was young and what he was saying didnt really relate to me all that much but there was so much power behind the words , Anyways i met my good friend JorD back around that time and i think he was the person that really got me rapping. when i met him he was already rapping but like i say we were young nd it wasnt too serious, he asked if i liked rap music nd i was like i know the words to ghetto gospel. He was like okay, rap it! At the time i didnt want to do it you know, it made me nervous but i got up and did it and i didnt even get all the words right but he was like that was good, you should rap. Just like that, the rest is history up until now.
Work and if it doesnt happen for you, Work so more
What about concerts? Do you play live?
yes i try to play live as much as i can, apportunities are few and far between as the rap scene in the North East of the UK doesnt get as much recognition but we do shows when we can get them and fit them around our jobs.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
i hate assessing my own work, im not sure about my best but ones of my more recent punchlines would be ”and i mean it when i say im cold/ never felt the feeling your feeling that why im bleeding stone/ but please behold, the reasons told,/ Talk my road, Speak in code/
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
Currently i have release a mini mixtape part one via datpiff ”JYT”. Part of that mini mixtape is in progress and due for release mid may. i Have also released two tracks from my solo mixtape ”let it go” and ”im high” this mixtape is pretty much finished it is the process of being mixed and mastered for the final copies this is due to be release in July. Aside form these two projects i am also starting work on my next mixtape which i would like to release early to mid 2015.
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Im really not sure i guess it would have to be something to think about if the time came about. as for the pro’s and con’s i think the obvious pro of a major label is the influence on the music indursty they have and the finincial backing you can get from them can open the door for a lot of big opportunities. I think on the flip side major labels are knows to extort artists and take most of the money that they make that should rightfully be the artists money who is putting in the time and effort. I think another disadvantage would be that sometime’s major labels want to take you in a direction that you dont feel comfrotable, i believe that for me to make any headway in music it would need to be using my own creative fliow of course ill take guidance and advice if i feel its good.
Any last words?
Shoutouts to JorD, Baddz, Thanatos Omnipotent, Dalish, Felix, anyone that has supported me in the past and is supporting now and basically anyone on the Newcastle Scene that is moving forward not back.
Where can we contact you?
JYT: https://www.facebook.com/JYTmusic
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
This interview was done by Amanda Aselia, a long time blogger and entertainment journalist specialized in the underground hip hop music field.
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