Featured artist: Thee eMCee - I Do It With E’s
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Thee eMCee.
How did you decide to become an artist?
Thee eMCee: Every great success story, worth telling, has an underdog in the beginning. "'Thee eMCee' unlike the other MC's, he adds extra letters because he does it with E's". There is no other lyric that describes this man's genius, like this one. Thee eMCee has had his success story written down ever since he wrote his first rhyme. Born and raised in the same city as our beloved Hip Hop culture itself, Anthony Ramirez grew up an unlikely "MC in the making". Growing up, he found his influences through science, saturday morning cartoons, metal music, and video games. It wasn't until the release of "Its Dark and Hell is Hot" by rapper DMX, where this, soon to be "eMCee", would find his passion for Hip Hop. Amazed at the dark sounds of DMX, he soon became a frequent listener to the genre of music. Coincidently, this was also the same year where he was invited to write a rap song by some friends at his local junior high school. Unsure of his capability to rhyme, he gave it a try. What started out as "just something to do with friends", evolved into a skill that would pleasure the ears of audiences everywhere! Through the influences of Big Pun, Eminem, DMX, and a strong mix of his own sense of humor, Thee eMCee started building and creating his own style of writing rhymes. At the age of 15, Thee eMCee moved to Daytona Beach, FL, with his family, due to hard times in New York City. Thee eMCee went to Mainland High School and made quite the name for himself with the local community. As he worked consistently on his music, the word began to spread of this fresh new talent flooding the underground urban life of the city. Known as "Bleep", at the time, he battled and collaborated with many of the local rappers at his school (as well as other local rappers around the city such as Shakey AkA Mr. Lokey Hu$tla). He also performed at talent shows and live performances on the beach side of the city. Once finished with high school, Thee eMCee moved to upstate New York in pu! rsuit of a rap career. During that time, Thee eMCee (known as Cancer, at the time) would go to participate in many street battles. Making a strong name for himself in the local Hip Hop community, Thee eMCee began recording music with the local talent. Eventually, Thee eMCee would get a chance to perform his own show and prove his stage performance, once and for all! D Months pass and Thee eMCee began to work on his debut album "Cancer". This is where he would later meet another inspiring artist by the name of T.E.R.A.M. (The Earth Revolves Around Money). The chemistry between the two artists was instant as ideas and interests began to merge. Once introduced to his new fellow crew members {Parish Laveese, T20, and H.F.P. (forming G-Code)}, he soon began to help work on the "All-Star" album "Back 2 Back". Due to hard times in his personal life, Thee eMCee had to relocate back to Daytona Beach (though still remaining a current member of the group). Thee eMCee would soon find himself making a decision that no one ever saw coming from him, he enlisted into the military. Joining the United States Army and becoming an Infantryman, Thee eMCee found himself stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. During the year of 2011, Thee eMCee served 11months in Iraq, becoming a a soldier, part of the very last Infantry platoon to withdraw from the country, and one of the last 300 soldiers to leave also. Once redeployed back to the states, he continued work on the "Cancer" album, while maintaining his military career. Thee eMCee finished his active duty contract with the U.S. Army in Aug of 2013 with an honorable discharge and found his way back to his hometown. Once back in Daytona, he finished his work on his debut album and decided to put it finally release it through CodeOfGs.com. Now continuing his music career and soon beginning his 28months bachelor degree for Recording Arts at Full Sail University, he begins his work on his second album (under the artist name "Thee eMCee", the album is cleverly titled "I Do It W! ith E' s").
Smile in your sleep. Your reality WILL be better than your dreams.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
I am always looking for stages to perform on. An eMCee’s home is on stage.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
’Thee eMCee’ unlike the other MCs, I add extra letters because I do it with E’s!
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I have released my debut album through Bandcamp.com. The link to my album is www.Cancer69.Bandcamp.com
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
I would sign to a major record label. The pros of doing so would be high exposure to the masses and the cons would be the missing benefits of joining an independent record label.
Any last words?
G-Code, Lyrical Legacy, Shakey AkA Mr. Lokey Hu$tla, DJ La.D.Da, Dominance, J-Claud, 5Time Shag, A.O., and Tentacles!
Where can we contact you?
Thee eMCee: anthonyjramirez2016@gmail.com
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
This interview was done by Amanda Aselia, a long time blogger and entertainment journalist specialized in the underground hip hop music field.
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