Featured artist: KeyloWick - Something about KeyloWick…
Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist KeyloWick.
How did you decide to become an artist?
KeyloWick: I began working offshore right out of High School to start making decent money. After a couple pay checks I was able to buy things. One of the first (if not first) things I bought were a pair of computer speakers and a cheap laptop. So I was sitting in my room after my shift, chillin, listening to music, when all of a sudden an instrumental came on. Well back in the day, my boy and I, used to smoke, drink, listen to music and freestyle every now and again. I also happened to notice, whilst jamming, that the computer happened to have a webcam and the software to operate it. So I was like, fuck it, let’s see what others think of my freestyle skills. So, I recorded one. And another one, and another, and another. Eventually leaving me with an entire mixtape full of freestyles to take home and show my people. They were feeling it, so I just kept at it and began to focus more on the craft after taking it seriously, and it just snowballed from there. Now, I’m here.
Never stop progressing. Always continue to grow. I said that.
What about concerts? Do you play live?
I do play live. My team is actually performing together for the first time this summer, July 12 @ Numbers Nightclub in Houston, Texas.
Best punchline you ever wrote?
”Ain’t nobody like me. That’s why nobody likes me.” ~ Everybody Hates prod. Biggle Beats
What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?
I’m currently working on my Independent’s label LP, getting ready for a show on July 12th @ Numbers Nightclub
Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
I would sign a distribution deal only. I’m able to help myself with almost everything else.
Any last words?
I wanna show love to my boy JU JU!! Where you at!? We all already know though. Shout’s out to those in the 409 and 713 holding me down. P Town, the Fallen Greats, who paved the way down here on these H-Town streets. RIP Screw and the whole family. H.A.W.K. One of the greatest. And of course the label! TRDe!!
Where can we contact you?
KeyloWick: www.reverbnation.com/KeyloWick
Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.
This interview opportunity has been provided by RapBeats.net, the digital marketplace for urban production music .
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