This is mayo

Featured artist: Lester Mayo - This is mayo

Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist Lester Mayo.

How did you decide to become an artist?

Lester Mayo: I tore ACL my senior year playing varsity football and i couldnt walk so i learned how to make beats with my neighborhood homies. They taught me how to make beats on fruity loops and after that I expanded into free styling and songwriting, along with filming, editing and directing.

Keep doing your thing and don't let anyone stop you from achieving goals at your highest potential.

- Lester Mayo

What about concerts? Do you play live?

Yes, I've done shows spontaneously and also have performed with manzana movement.

Best punchline you ever wrote?

Without me it's just awe-so, all dubs in my columns, we ain't taking no losses.
- Lester Mayo

What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?

The blockade documentary (movie)

Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?

No. I want to maintain full creative control with no implications. I do this for fun, so I choose to stay independent, so I can work on my art whenever I want to work on it. I'd rather be creative when I'm feeling it, rather than being forced. So no, I would not want to sign with a major label unless they follow the implications that I have.

Any last words?

Shoutout to all my people in San Diego California and all my friends from UCHS 04-08. Definitely wanna shoutout my parents because they've always supported me. Wanna say thanks to blockade Entertainment, manzana movement and all the artists I've worked with. And most importantly, I wanna thank God because with him, anything is possible.

Where can we contact you?

Lester Mayo: Http://

Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.


This interview opportunity has been provided by, the digital marketplace for urban production music .

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