Expect me like you expect Jesus. Im coming!!!

Featured artist: King Bishop - Expect me like you expect Jesus. Im coming!!!

Below is a short interview with the upcoming underground artist King Bishop.

How did you decide to become an artist?

King Bishop: I decided i wanted to be an artist when i saw the direction the game was going in. But most importantly it was always my passion for music. Starting with the lyrics. From the bars to the story thats being told.

Keep going, Strive for greatness. Learn to perfect your craft and never step in foot prints make them.

- King Bishop

What about concerts? Do you play live?

I perform local. Any where from club venues to college expos.

Best punchline you ever wrote?

Even if my shirt were attached to my jeans I'd still be the flyest overall.
- King Bishop

What are you currently working on? Did you release something in the past?

Currently I'm working on my debut album, but in the mean time I'm getting ready to drop a street album. My debut mixtape. Coming real soon.

Last but not least: Would you sign a record contract with a major label?

Yes and no being that the majority of these major labels are starving artist's. The pros of a mojor label contract is the publicity, promotion, and advance. The cons of a mojor label are bad contracts in most cases fees, and 360 deals.

Any last words?

Big shout outs to the big sir loon, mr lunemoto, and the pomonacitymovement. streetleaguetg the distribution. Tacoma WA. Free jay jay free jacare. Big shouts out to the Gages and Chicago.

Where can we contact you?

King Bishop: Http://soundcloud.com/kingbishopstreetleagttg

Thank you for your time. We wish you and your career the success it deserves.


This interview opportunity has been provided by RapBeats.net, the digital marketplace for urban production music .

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